Can exercise help you be more productive?

47134984 - businesswoman walking passageThink you don’t have time to exercise? Think again! If you want to be more productive, whether at home or at work, then you may want to make time each day to exercise. In fact, studies show that regular exercise can help boost productivity while a sedentary lifestyle can make people less productive in all areas of their lives.

One study of workplace productivity found that employees who added moderate exercise to their daily routine showed “a significant improvement in all aspects of employee psychological well-being (such as confidence, self-esteem, sleep and concentration levels) and a significant reduction in all types of stress.” Many employees who added exercise to their daily routine also experienced lower blood pressure and weight loss. But physical exercise also has mental benefits. Even short periods of exercise can improve brain function and memory.

Try walking for thirty minutes a day, even if you have to break it into smaller time spans throughout the day. Over time, try to sneak more exercise into your day.

Three great ways to deal with stress

17975001_S Dealing with stress is no easy task. Whether you’re facing an important deadline at work, having trouble getting your kids to do their homework or struggling with a to-do list that seems to grow longer each minute, stress is an inevitable part of the lives of most Americans. Even though it’s difficult to avoid stress, there are smart ways to manage it. Here’s how to make stress, well, less stressful.

  1. Take one thing at a time. Oftentimes we get stressed out when we have a lot on our to-do list. So we try doing multiple things at a time. Here’s the problem: Research shows that multitasking makes most people more stressed, not less! Studies also have shown that multitasking doesn’t help most people increase their productivity.
  2. Keep your to-do list as small as possible. It’s been shown that people who make to-do lists tend to get more done. However, if your to-do list is too long, it can be counterproductive. Try to keep your to-do list to about three important tasks per day.
  3. Eat healthy and get enough sleep. Getting too little sleep and snacking all day on processed foods with little nutritional value can make you feel more stressed. New research shows that simple things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy and taking short walks can be powerful de-stressors. Try to make small changes each week, such as bringing a healthy snack to the office or going to sleep a half hour earlier. Remember that it takes about a month for most people to form new healthy habit.

Clean up that car! Clutter can be a big safety issue


If you’re like most parents, each of your children probably has a number of toys and books stashed in your vehicle. Plenty of your stuff is probably in there, too. With harried Moms and Dads racing through busy days, the family vehicle often becomes the “storage room” of last resort.

Some people are comfortable with a certain level of clutter. But when it comes to the family vehicle, clutter can become a huge safety issue. The more stuff you have in your car, the more potential flying projectiles you could have in the event of a sudden stop or car accident. Even things you think are perfectly safe, like a sippy cup, have the potential to become a projectile missile that can ruin a perfectly good day. Each year, tens of thousands of injuries, including head injuries, are attributed to objects in cars.

That’s why it’s a good idea to do a clean sweep of your vehicle once a week. If you have a passenger car, store extra items in your trunk. If you’re hauling the family pet along with you, make sure they are properly restrained with a seat belt. Animals can become flying projectiles, too! Keep heavy items stored and secured in a cargo net. And don’t forget unoccupied booster seats. If a child isn’t riding in a booster seat, put it in the trunk.

What to consider before purchasing health insurance

10648494_MIn the market for health insurance coverage? We can help you evaluate your insurance options and pick a plan that’s right for you and your family. Here’s how we can make your life easier.

  • We do the heavy lifting. To choose from among a number of policy options, you’ll want to compare the cost and fine print of each policy, including each plan’s co-payments (if applicable), deductibles, co-insurance and out-of-pocket maximums. We help make it easy for you to understand the tradeoffs of each type of policy.
  • We make it easy. Health insurance can be extremely difficult to understand. And there are so many different plans from which to choose. A plan that might be good for a single college student may not be so good for a family of five. We can help you determine which type of plan and which features make the most sense for you and your lifestyle.
  • We help you avoid the bad stuff. Unfortunately, insurance scams are on the rise. We offer plans from reputable insurance companies, helping you steer clear of plans that are a waste of your hard-earned money.

We know that shopping for a health insurance plan isn’t fun. But we can help make it a whole lot more bearable! Please call or stop by anytime. We look forward to hearing from you!

Are you ready for allergy season?

pink cosmos flowerWarmer temperatures are one of spring’s great perks. They allow us to get outdoors, whether for exercise or an afternoon in the garden. Yet with warmer weather often comes itchy eyes, runny noses and scratchy throats.

The good news is that a few simple precautions can help you enjoy the great outdoors without suffering as much from allergies.

Did you know that the pollen counts vary depending on the time of the day? Outdoor exercise at pre-dawn, late afternoon or early evening is best because pollen counts are lowest at those times, notes the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

Next, pay attention to pollen levels using media as a guide. Numerous websites list this information, which can alert you to times it might be best to stay indoors. Additionally, weather forecasts from local TV or radio outlets will notify you when conditions are windy, which can aggravate seasonal allergies.

Finally, consult your doctor about taking an over-the-counter allergy medication or whether you need something more tough on allergies that’s available only with a prescription.

Get walking! It’s a great New Year’s Resolution

41331318 - attractive senior mother with daughter relaxing outdoorsWalking is the easiest and perhaps best form of exercise for a long and healthy life. A daily, 30-minute walk can offer a variety of health benefits.

A better mood. Even if you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, going for a morning walk can make you feel better. Research shows us that walking offers a host of mental health benefits. A study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, Learning, Memory, and Cognition even links going for a walk with being more creative!

Socialization. Going for a walk in the morning doesn’t have to be a solo activity. Grabbing a friend or family member can make the experience more entertaining and provide motivation/encouragement. You and your walking buddy can set health and fitness goals and achieve them together!

Lowered risk of chronic disease. Studies show walking can lower your risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Those who walk for 30 minutes per day, five times or more per week also have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, which is the No. 1 cause of death for both men and women in the United States.

Weight loss. Get this: one mile walked per day is equivalent to 2,000 steps and 100 calories burned. That’s 700 calories burned per week.

Better sleep. Starting the day right with exercise and a good breakfast is key to helping your body maintain a steady internal schedule. Regular exercise, like walking, can also improve your quality of sleep. Those who exercise as little as 10 minutes per day have been proven to have higher quality sleep.

It’s time to kick the soda habit — for good

29812967 - drinks like cola, beer and lemonade in cansDid you know that the average American gets more than 20 percent of their daily calories from beverages, including soda? With all of the calories, sugar, artificial colors and flavors and caffeine, soda is not ideal for a healthy lifestyle. Here are some ways to get starting on changing the daily soda habit.

Take it slow. If you’re used to drinking several cans of soda a day, start by reducing the amount you’re drinking over time. Set specific goals to get you to a point where you aren’t drinking it every day.

Drink water. Sparkling water can be a good substitute for water — you get the fizz without all of the extra ingredients.

Ask for support. Let your friends and family know about your new goal and ask them to keep you accountable. This can help build a support system and encourage you to stick to your word. Better yet, find someone who is willing to try and kick the soda habit with you.

Have a healthy snack on hand. We often turn to soda to fill us up when we should instead be eating real food to feel satisfied. If you keep a healthy snack with protein or fiber on hand, you can reach for that snack whenever you get that “empty” feeling. Mixed nuts, veggies and hummus, or string cheese are all great options.

Know your schedule. You probably have certain situations or environments where you’re more likely to drink soda. If you can identify when and where these soda triggers will happen, you can plan ahead and avoid falling back into your bad habit.

Health insurance open enrollment ends on January 31

63937198 - january 31. calendar on white background. 3d illustration.Time is running out! The deadline to purchase health insurance coverage during the 2016-17 open enrollment season is just days away.

If you have not applied for a health insurance plan by January 31, you’ll only be able to obtain coverage in special circumstances throughout 2017, such as if you get married or adopt or have a child. You also could be subject to penalties that apply to those who do not have coverage.

That’s why it’s important to secure coverage during open enrollment. We know that health insurance can be complex and confusing and that shopping around for health insurance is probably one of the last things you want to do. That’s why we do all the work! We can help you determine if you’re eligible for any tax credits, evaluate your options and make an educated choice among the plans available to you. Click here to learn more about us and how we can help you. We look forward to working with you!

Why it’s so important to have the right health insurance

21255861_SYou’re young, healthy and don’t go to the doctor all that often. That means you don’t have to give much thought to health insurance, right? Consider this: Bankruptcies resulting from unpaid medical bills affect millions of people each year. Among those seeking credit counseling nationwide, most have some type of unpaid medical debt.

Did you know that the average cost of an emergency room visit for an adult is $700? That doesn’t include the costs of tests, additional medical procedures or if you have to be admitted to the hospital. Medical procedures that require hospitalization can run into the range of tens of thousands of dollars.

But not all insurance plans are created equal. One mistake young adults often make is selecting a health plan with the lowest possible premiums. Depending on your situation, that may or may not be the best way to go! When it comes to health insurance, you have a lot of options in terms of coverage and cost. We can help you evaluate your options and find the right plan for you and your family.

Eating healthy at a party or get-together

11795691_SWith so many temptations, eating healthy at a party or get-together can be difficult. Here’s a great way to make healthier choices:

Hit the veggie tray. Going to a party? Offer to bring the vegetable tray, fruit salad, or another healthy dish. That way, you know you’ll have something nutritious to eat regardless of what’s on the menu. If you’re at a party, hit the vegetable tray first before moving on to other types of treats.

Stay hydrated — with water. Many party beverages are high in calories. Drinking water is a great way to stay hydrated and healthy.

Watch those portions. Portion control is a key part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Take smaller portions and smaller bites of your favorites. Smaller meal portions will allow you to have more self-control on the amount of food you eat because you’ll be more satisfied by eating slowly. Savor each bite, and stop when you’re not hungry anymore.

Eat what you like. Pass on the treats you don’t really love!