Home and Auto insurance is not something to purchase lightly. The goal is to get the right coverage for the lowest price. The best approach to purchasing home and auto insurance is to work with an agent who can learn about your lifestyle and assets to make sure your policy fits your needs.
Insurance policies can be complicated, and most people don’t understand what the different nuances mean. If someone purchases the state-required minimums, they could find themselves owing hundreds of thousands of dollars in a claim.
Without a dedicated conversation with a specialist who can ask the right questions to make sure you cover what you need (and not more), you may end up trying to file a claim for something that isn’t covered by the policy.
The difficult part with insurance is that we “touch” the premium monthly, meaning we see it often. And it’s tempting to purchase the lowest priced option. However, having an experience where a claim is denied because the incident is not covered by a policy is one of the worst experiences you can have. Don’t let this happen to you!
After an in-depth discovery of what coverage is needed, then shopping price (and service and financial strength of the company) is the objective.
Strategic Benefits is here to be a one-stop-shop for your health insurance, life insurance, and home & auto insurance. That way, for any claim, billing, or service need you have, you can call your agent to go to bat for you!