Keep your children safe while having fun with art

Little happy artist lying

There’s no doubt about it: Most children love art! But each year, children end up in emergency rooms due to accidents and mishaps while working on art projects at home.

Did you know that even those art supplies labeled as ‘non-toxic’ can have harmful effects if a child uses them in an unintended manner? That’s why adequate supervision is a must when allowing children to do art projects at home. It’s a good idea to keep art supplies such as paint and glue in a cabinet that’s out of reach of the youngest children. Another preventative measure: When selecting supplies, look for those designed for children that have the AP or CL seal from the Art and Creative Materials Institute (ACMI).

While your children are working on an art project, be on the lookout for hazards in the “workshop.” You may not think of your kitchen or living room as a production zone. Even so, when you’re applying glue and paint and cutting and assembling paper and other materials, it often involves chemicals and sharp objects. Chemicals can be absorbed by a child in a number of different ways. That’s why you’ll want to discourage children from applying paint to their skin unless it’s paint specifically for that type of use. And don’t serve a meal or snacks during an art project. Encourage children to thoroughly wash their hands after working with art supplies.

Don’t forget that babies and young children experience life as one long tasting adventure. Whatever is nearby may go directly into the mouth at any time. Preschoolers in particular have a penchant for putting objects in their mouths. And just like little children, animals can get into trouble in a matter of seconds. Rover may get curious and decide to sniff that glue-laden spoon you just set down on the table. Taking the dog to the vet on the spur of the moment can definitely put the chill on the fun.

For more information about art supply safety, check out the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s Art and Craft Safety Guide.

The value of an independent insurance agent

49458818 - independentDid you know that there’s a big difference among insurance agents — one that can have a significant impact on how much you pay for your insurance coverage and the type of service you receive? It’s true. While so-called ‘captive’ insurance agents typically represent only one insurance company, ‘independent’ insurance agents represent a number of different companies, offering one-stop shopping for a wider choice of policies for you and your business.

Because an independent agent represents a variety of insurance companies, they can help you shop around with competing carriers. With one stop, you can compare the cost and coverages offered by several different companies to see which has the option that’s best for you. That’s the best way to find the most cost-effective coverage.

Questions about the role of an independent insurance agent? Need insurance or want to review your coverage? Come on in and pay us a visit. We’re here to help you!

How humidifiers help you, all winter long

Humidifier spreading steam into the living roomLike it or not, winter is fast approaching. Once you start the furnace, it not only starts heating your home, but drying out the air. That’s where humidifiers come in. Here are all the benefits the humble humidifier can provide all winter long:

Faster healing times. Whether you’re suffering from the flu, a cold or even just allergies, a humidifier can help you feel better faster by keeping your throat and nasal passages moist.

Softer skin. Dry indoor air can cause your skin and lips to crack and flake in winter. By sleeping with a humidifier in your bedroom, you’ll wake up with more moisturized skin.

Less snoring. By increasing the amount of atmospheric water vapor in your home, a humidifier can prevent your throat from drying out, leading to less snoring and improved sleeping conditions.

Diminished static electricity. In the winter, it’s hard to avoid the shocks caused by static electricity. A humidifier can reduce static electricity.

While humidifiers can be a great wintertime help, it’s important to keep yours clean. Here are some tips for keeping your humidifier clean.


Where germs like to hide in your home

38232560_SAre germs lurking in your home? Check out five areas in most homes that bacteria and viruses are most commonly found — and how you can banish them before they make you sick:

1. Door knobs and handles. Wipe those down with a disinfectant wipe frequently. Any surface that is used by the whole family should be disinfected regularly, including toilet handles, phones, microwave and refrigerator handles and salt and pepper shakers. Don’t forget the TV remote and computer keyboard!

2. Kitchen counter tops and cutting boards. Make sure you are disinfecting any surfaces that you’re using to prepare food. Don’t forget to sanitize your kitchen sink — the bottom, the sides and the strainer.

3. Kitchen sponges and dish cloths. Because they are damp, they pick up germs easily and when you wipe your counters, you spread them. Soak your sponge or dish cloth in a bleach solution frequently. Or microwave your sponge for one minute to zap germs and wash and dry dish clothes using the hot setting in your washer and dryer.

4. Toothbrushes and toothbrush holders. Consider replacing toothbrushes more frequently during the winter months — especially after you’ve been sick — and disinfect holders frequently.

5. Coffee maker and tea pot. Clean your coffee maker (check your manufacturer’s recommendations in the your instruction manual) at least monthly. If you keep a tea kettle on your stove with water in it, empty the water and thoroughly clean the teapot before refilling it.

Keeping your kids safe while they’re having fun

20085578_SDid you know that most accidents involving children happen close to home? Kids love playgrounds, bounce houses and bicycles, but they all can lead to serious injury. Here are some ways you can keep your kids safe:

Playgrounds. Each year, more than 200,000 children are injured on playgrounds nationwide, according to the National Program for Playground Safety. Review this checklist so you know what to look for before letting your children use playground equipment.

Bounce houses. Every 45 minutes, a child is rushed to an emergency room due to injuries from an inflatable house, or ‘bounce house.’ Think twice about letting a small child inside a crowded inflatable play area. Check out this video to see why the medical community is so concerned.

Bicycles, skateboards and scooters. If you’re riding anything at all with wheels, you and your children should always wear a helmet. Period. Accidents on bicycles, skateboards, scooters and while skating can cause a wide array of injuries, including catastrophic brain injuries.

Coming soon: Open enrollment season

41044361 - health insurance text and stethoscopeThe 2016-17 open enrollment season has almost arrived! Starting November 1, you’ll be able to shop around for and enroll in a health care plan.

Selecting the right health insurance plan is an important way to protect yourself and your family. We will take the time to explore all of your health insurance options. Our goal is to help you find an affordable plan that’s right for you and your family.

We can help make sure you have a plan that fits your budget and that enables you to avoid tax penalties. We are an independent insurance agency, which means that we represent a number of different insurance carriers offering different health care plan options. We help you shop for the best plan for you.

Remember, the decisions you make during open enrollment could have a huge impact on you and your family’s finances. Let us help you take the time to do it right. We look forward to hearing from you!

Tips for smaller healthy changes

34215550_SSometimes we take the desire to be healthier and turn it into a large-scale project that is too overwhelming to tackle. Instead, we should focus on small aspects we can change. Consider these small ways you can become healthier from this moment:

Are you drinking enough water? Your body needs water to function properly. Keep drinking water through the day to stay hydrated and alert. Try to also limit the amount of soda and caffeine that you drink.

Are you eating enough fruits and vegetables? These foods have vitamins and minerals that are necessary for our body to function properly. If you aren’t eating enough of these, consider swapping out that processed snack for a bowl of fresh fruit or a plate of crispy veggies.

Are you getting enough sleep? Everything seems worse when we are tired – including our lack of healthy choices through the day. Make sure you are taking the time to actually give your body a rest with proper sleep.

Are you getting enough exercise? Daily exercise helps your body and your mind. Just make sure you stay active in ways you enjoy. You also will want to mix up your exercise routines so you don’t get bored.

Are you taking enough time to simply quiet your mind? Even a few minutes of quiet can calm you. Simply pause in your day, take in deep breaths and be in the moment.

Are you listening to your body when you eat? Try smaller meals throughout the day instead large meals just a couple times a day. Stop eating when you are full, and if something doesn’t make you feel good, take it out of your diet.

Are your friends adding joy to your life? If your friends are negative, they will only add negativity and stress into your life. It is OK to let a friend go or distance yourself from one for a while.

Are you saying no to those activities that don’t add to your life? It is OK to decline invitations to events or to say “No” when asked to take on more responsibilities. Make sure you are controlling your time and energy in ways that keep you healthy.

Here’s hoping that adopting even one or two of these changes may set you on the right course to a healthier you!

Tips to manage stress

48039961 - young stressed woman sitting in living room at homeMost of us know when our stress levels are rising. Maybe you can feel your body tense or your heart race. Maybe you experience stress only for a moment — or maybe for days and weeks. There are healthy ways to manage those stressful periods in life.

Check your attitude about the source of the stress. Sometimes you can control the situation. Sometimes you have to control your emotions and perception of the situation.

It is OK to step away from stressors when you can. That means you can walk away from events, people, or even situations where you know your stress will go out of control. Be willing to politely decline invitations.

While you may be inclined to stay away from everyone for extended periods of time, that isn’t healthy. Turn to your trusted friends, family, or professional resources at times like this. They can encourage and listen to you. Maintain a healthy diet, exercise and get enough sleep.

Last of all, come up with a mantra during stressful times. Most of us have heard of Dory and her “Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming” from the “Finding Nemo” and “Finding Dory” movies. Your mantra can be serious or silly, but it is a great way to refocus during stressful times to be the healthiest you.

How to be your own health care advocate

12801292_SYour doctor isn’t the only one involved in keeping you healthy – you are too!  Let’s look at some ways you can proactively take charge and further advocate for your health care as you work with your doctor.

Do you know what doctors and procedures your insurance covers? This is important to know so you are aware of what to expect. You don’t want to go to a specialist or a lab appointment to find out they are out-of-network and you will be stuck with a bigger bill. Additionally, preventative procedures are typically covered at a higher level, so that should encourage you to stay on top of necessary tests!

Did you know you can ask for copies of your medical records? Your doctor’s office keeps your medical records on file, but it is also a good idea to maintain these records on your own! You never know when you want to review a record or send a copy to a specialist or another doctor. If you don’t want to keep piles of papers, ask your doctor or insurance plan about options for accessing your records electronically.

When you are at your doctor’s appointment, ask questions! Even better, prepare your questions before you go to the appointment, especially because time is usually limited and nerves may throw off what you want to remember. If you aren’t pleased with the responses, diagnosis or even just want your medical information reviewed by another doctor, it is okay to seek out a second opinion.

Being proactive in your health care doesn’t stop after those appointments. It also includes keeping an eye on your medical bills. When you get that bill, make sure it is accurate. If you notice something that doesn’t look right, call and ask the provider for an explanation. Additionally, make sure your bill and your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) match.


Finding rest is key to staying healthy

35882708_SYou know that ample sleep and time to relax is important to your health, but it can be so difficult when you have an unending to-do list. How can you find rest when so many good things are pulling you in different directions? Perhaps these tips can help:

Simply say ‘No’. It can be the hardest word to say. The next time someone asks you to commit to something and you aren’t sure, simply say ‘No’. Even better, say it without giving a reason why. You aren’t just saying no, you are protecting your time and energy.

Take a day (or less) to yourself. If you can’t take a full day, consider taking half a day. If that isn’t possible, consider taking just an hour. You don’t have to make a dramatic retreat of it. Simply take the time to quiet yourself. Perhaps all you can afford is the time to take a walk, read a chapter or two in your book, or simply enjoy your favorite beverage on the porch.

Walk away from your phone. We are so accustomed to being available at a moment’s notice. Simply walk away from your phone. If that isn’t possible, turn it to airplane mode for a while. If that isn’t possible, consider setting your phone down and walking away for even 10 minutes. Then keep extending that time.

Ignore that notification alert. When your phone rings with a call, text, email, or social media alert, know that you don’t have to respond right away. It is OK to not answer that phone or reply to that email immediately. Of course, emergencies and work deadlines will need prompt attention, but otherwise, be selective about who and what gets your attention.

Simply play. Do you remember what you enjoyed doing or wanted to try before life got busy and full? Incorporate that back into your life. Again, it may not be possible to take a whole day to “play,” but find some way to get that enjoyment back into your life each day.

You aren’t being selfish by following these tips to find rest. You are simply taking care to be the best and healthiest you!