Infographic: Protecting Your Personal Data


Have you ever thought about what you would do if you lost all of your family photos or videos due to a problem with your computer?

As your insurance agent, our goal is to protect those items that are most valuable to you.  And what is more valuable than the information many of us store on our home computers?

Knowing that families’ most precious memories like photos and videos are stored on computers now, we have put together a brief infographic to provide some valuable tips and tricks on protecting your personal data.

You can download a copy of the infographic by clicking here

Insuring Bicycles

As the weather is starting to warm up, more and more people are getting outdoors to enjoy the weather.   Part of this may include taking a bicycle outside to enjoy the mountains or maybe just a lazy bike trail.

One of the questions we frequently receive is in regards to properly insuring a bicycle if it is lost, damaged, or destroyed.  So we thought it would be good to spend a few paragraphs explaining the best way to cover your bicycle with insurance.

Most bicycles are covered as property on your homeowners policy policy under the contents limit and the policy will provide coverage whether the bike is stolen or destroyed on your property, in your vehicle, or at another premises.  One of the things to pay close attention to, though, is the limit of insurance you have for the bike.   Some policies will only provide a sublimit of insurance of $1,000 to $1,500, which might not be adequate for an expensive racing bike that may have cost you thousands of dollars.  If you have an expensive, customized, or unique we recommend speaking with your agent about purchasing some additional coverage for the bike.

What about if you hit somebody or destroy property while riding your bike?  Will insurance pick that up as well?   Typically, your homeowners policy will also protect you for any damage or injuries you cause while riding your bike up to the limits of liability on your policy.   Every insurance policy is different, though, so it’s important you speak to your agent about how your specific policy would respond in the event of a bicycle-related claim.

Technology News: Hackers Can Access Your Car Remotely

Interesting article on how hackers have now figured out a way to infiltrate your car’s computer remotely using Bluetooth or even just a simple CD.

As if worrying about your car getting dinged in the parking lot and avoid pot holes wasn’t enough, researchers at the Universities of San Diego, California, and Washington were able to infiltrate the car’s main frame in a variety of ways.

In one case, the researchers simply called the car’s cellular connection and uploaded malicious software via an audio file. In another, they connected to the car’s blue tooth system to hack in.

The researchers were even able to take a CD where they had added code to an existing song to create the song into a Trojan Horse virus. Once the song was played, the virus was released allowing them access to the car’s main computer.

Once access is gained to the main frame computer in the car, hackers could remotely track the vehicle, disable the locks, disable the brakes, and more.